Monday, March 19
9:30am – 4:30pm
Alameda, CA
Writers, Performers, Creatives!
The March 18th day-long workshop with writer and actress Ann Randolph SOLD OUT in two days – all returning students who want to work with this amazing teacher again. I bring some pretty incredible people to 27 Powers – but I’ve never sold out a workshop in two days!
So we’re adding another day, the next day, Monday, March 19th, 9:30am – 4:30pm, same bat show, same bat channel –here at 27 Powers. It’s going to be incredible – Ann is a creative genius – generous, funny, alive and real. I knew that when I watched her perform her award-winning show Loveland, at the San Francisco Marsh Theater last year. I watched her weave the most intimate, the most funny and heart-breaking material together and I sat there appreciating her gift and how much I wanted to bring that gift to Powers Ct.
If you’re inclined, even if you don’t know what you’re working on now, even if your story is only half-baked, even if you haven’t done a stitch of writing for months – baby – this is your chance. Ann is the big wake up girl – the inspiration.
Get in touch sooner than later. I keep the workshop small – 15 people. You’ll write, you’ll read, you’ll get out of your seats and walk into your stories.
Email me to get a seat!
See you there! Laurie