Brave Little Fish Swims Into New Waters

Brave Little Fish Swims Into New Waters

“Oh mom, you’re going to be fine.”  That’s my 21-year-old responding to me this morning on Facetime when I told her that I was flipping out about my brand new 5-month Wild Writing Teacher Training, which starts in one week. “You got this,” she said, rolling her eyes,...
Never Say No to the Pie Lady

Never Say No to the Pie Lady

For starters, she has lemon meringue, as well as pecan, coconut, chocolate, apple and cheese pie. Big slices, jumbo slices, none of those mamby pamby baby slices, the ones you normally ask for – those pretend slices of pie. No, she’s got big ass slices and she’s...
But Was it Life Changing?

But Was it Life Changing?

“Was it life changing?” my daughter, Zoe asked me this morning as I groggily sat at the kitchen table drinking coffee. I’d gotten home from nearly three weeks in South Africa the night before, had managed a few hours of sleep, and was now on my third cup of coffee and...
This is How it Starts

This is How it Starts

So while it took me 24 hours to physically get home from Bali – to fly from Denpasar International Airport to Hong Kong, and then on to San Francisco – it only took me about 10 minutes in the car the next day to become some wild eyed impatient bitch who was half an inch from leaning on her horn because some dude in front of her wouldn’t turn right at the red even though he COULD HAVE.

“Oh my god,” I thought, slowly pulling my hand back from the wheel, “so this is how it starts.”

The Wide View

The Wide View

Just because I’m 8000 miles from home doesn’t mean I don’t get triggered now and then. Not by Bali, with its fresh bowls of purple dragon fruit, its incense and little paper altars every two feet, a place so peaceful I haven’t seen one cop or heard one harsh word. A world where most people I pass on the street look up and smile, and who are so kind-hearted that today on my run when I almost got flattened by a young man on a scooter, he put his hands together in prayer and smiled when I mouthed, “I’m sorry.”