True Stories Series: Meet Andrea Scher

I’m starting a new section of my blog called The True Stories Series where I’ll be interviewing artists + writers + hard working creative types – people I admire and respect and who I’d like you to know about. Today I’d like to introduce you to Andrea Scher of Superhero Life. Artist + teacher, Andrea Scher was born under a lucky star. She might not agree with me because there are plenty of days she probably wishes — as do you and I — that the stars were shining a little more brightly on her. But then, one of her many super powers is an ability to create extraordinary things from the everyday ordinary aspects of her life. Andrea is the maker of incredible things — jewelry — photographs — stories and online classes. She’s an artist and a human being who I have tremendous respect for and I wanted to share her with you. Andrea, sometimes when I describe you to friends I say, “everything she touches turns to gold,” because you’ve been so incredibly successful with your e-courses Mondo Beyondo and Superhero Photo. When I say that what do you think?  The first thing I think is, I’m so honored that Laurie sees me this way! Then I think, Is that true? And then I think of something that an astrologer told me recently when analyzing my chart. She said, “Do you know that Chinese proverb? Luck favors the prepared? Well that’s the kind of luck you have. You make your own luck because you are at the dock when your ship comes in. You’re ready to say yes.” And I think that’s true for all of us. We can make our luck by getting clear about what we...