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Panel of Six Wild Sisters
A Conversation About Self-Publishing
- Have you ever thought about collecting some of your Wild Writing from the last year or two and self-publishing a book?
- Have you wondered about the process of selecting, polishing pieces and bringing them together in a beautiful collection that you can be proud of and share with friends?
- Does the thought of something you can hold with your name on it make you light up?
- Have you been curious about the publishing process – the various self-publishing routes, the costs, the design and distribution?
If any of these questions have crossed your mind, join us to talk about these very things with a panel of some of your Wild Friends, folks like you who have been Wild Writing with us, and who have self-published their Wild Writing work in the last year.
During our hour and a half we talk with these Wild Sisters about how these books came about. We talk about how they selected and edited their work, as well as the various publishing routes they chose. We learn a little bit about ebooks, Blurb, independent publishing and even what it means to partner with Amazon. And we talk about marketing and yes, we talk about the inner critic, that rascally voice that keeps so many of us from sharing our work.
Our Panel:
Jen Lee, the author of Instructions to a Self: A Diary Of Becoming, A Pandemic Memoir In Diary Form
Cheryl Downes McCoy, the author of The Thing With Feathers: Pandemic-Time Poems
Sue Ann Gleason, the author of In The Glint Of Broken Glass
Caren Albers, the author of A Home Coming: Belonging And Knowing
Sedra Schiffman, the author of And So It Goes. (All profits go to Planned Parenthood.)
Linda Myrick, author of A Journey Inward: Poems of Healing, Gratitude, and Joy discovered during the great pause of 2020
A Conversation About
Purchase – $27 USD
This is the video replay of the live January 2022 class.