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That Sneaky, Sneaky Nap

by | Apr 30, 2013 | Blog | 15 comments

In honor of Plant a Kiss Day ** (Sunday, April 29) I decided that instead of doing what was suggested – which was to spread a little love in the world – doing generous deeds like some of my incredible friends came up with – giving away bundles of lavender, setting up free lemonade stands and creating flash mob bubble parties in the park…
Yes, instead of creating an act of kindness for others, I decided to take some advice from my very smart friend, Sherry Richert Belul (creator of Plant a Kiss Day), and plant a big fat kiss on myself, because if anyone needed some love it was me.
Actually what I needed was a nap – which is pretty unheard of in my world. I’m terrified of them, certain if I give into my fatigue I’ll never get up. For 100 years I’ve been a steam engine, stopping only once a day – to collapse – in bed.
But since I hadn’t gotten a lot of sleep the night before, I thought, well, I’ll just sit on the couch with this newspaper and catch up on some important reading. Important being the operative word here. I read a page or two about a doctor who was so consumed with being the top dog in his field that he made up research to support his thesis. Now he’s nothing. Minutes later I face planted on my couch where I dreamed of making love to a cowboy.
No wonder I’ve been resisting those naps – they’re sneaky, insidious, only increasing your desire for even more rest. The next thing I knew I was running a bath and lying in warm water, staring out the open window and into the trees; thoughtless, emptied, still. Honestly, I had a million more IMPORTANT things to do, but for the life of me, I couldn’t remember a single one, and didn’t have the strength to figure out where I’d put that damn To-Do list.
By this point I had forgotten all about Plant a Kiss Day and I was moving instinctively; an animal seeking softness, warmth and comfort.
I sat out on my deck in the sun with some warm almond milk, appreciating the trees in my yard and what a quiet, peaceful world I had created for myself. I rarely spend time sitting in my yard in the middle of the day.  “In ten minutes,” I thought, “I’ll go inside and get some work done.” But it wouldn’t happen. Not today. Yes, on Monday I’d be back in my bad ass saddle, crossing T’s, dotting I’s like the best of them  – a whirling dervish of accomplishment and success – but today – thanks to an item on my to-do list – DO THE PLANT A KISS DAY THING – I got a reprieve – try as I might not make it happen.

In the spirit of Amy Krouse Rosenthal’s work,18 bloggers set out to “Plant a Kiss” in the world on April 29. We each did something we thought would spread a little extra joy, color, connection, poetry, or magic in the world. Then we watched to see what would happen!

Today all of us are posting about that experience. Click here (http://www.simplycelebrate.net/plant-a-kiss-day-2013) where you can find links to all of the participating bloggers and hop around to see how each woman was uniquely inspired to celebrate Plant a Kiss Day.




  1. Lara

    Hurray!!! My dreams are coming true!!! xoxoxoxo

    • Laurie

      you’re the best of what a witchy friend should be! Keep dreaming big for me baby!


  2. Sonya Lea

    I discovered audible, recommended by another writergrrl. Because I can’t read any more at the end of the day. Been going to bed EARLY and listening to Jess Walter’s Beautiful Ruins, listening to the same chapter over and over again (just to love up the sentences more…) There’s nothing better than falling asleep to a story read beautifully. Glad you found your reprieve, love. xxS

    • Laurie

      sounds soft and yummy – I’ve been going to sleep with the sound of a river (an app!)…and the moon coming through my window….bless bless bless xxxx

  3. Kelley

    You know, when I think of spreading love/kindness, it always feels like it needs to happen outside myself, but the truth is it has to START inside. How can we love anybody else if we don’t first love ourselves? I adore you and your well-deserved kiss-planting!!

    • Laurie

      Thank you lovey! People like me and you do so much for others – it feels so good to give myself what I need. It’s new for me – but I see a trend. LOVE!

    • Jill Salahub

      Reminds me of this quote: “You, yourself, as much as anybody else in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” ~Buddha

  4. Laurie

    yes…I’m going to make it my practice. I can’t tell you how good it feels to be soft. xxx

  5. Sherry Richert Belul

    My beautiful friend and awesome writer, you get an A+ on Plant a Kiss Day. Yes, yes, yes, yes. I am so happy after reading this. I hope everyone who reads this will feel inspired to see themselves as “that someone needing a bit of kindness and magic.” Wheeeeee!

    • Laurie

      You gave me the big idea baby – it wouldn’t have occurred to me. Love you for helping me find this place!

  6. tingle

    THIS is brilliant. And perfect. And just what the “doctor” ordered. You planted a big fat kiss on your own cheek and invited the rest of us to do the same. I couldn’t agree more. Thank you, Laurie. You are the BOMB.

    • Laurie


  7. Tiffany

    Oh this! Oh you! How exquisite. Perhaps you will carve out more time for yourself such as this and make well deserved “self kisses” a part of your weeks. Plant a kiss on yourself before planting kisses on others yes? (Isn’t that what they say on airplanes…) much love to you. This brought so much joy to read.

  8. Laurie

    thank you! I think I could get used to this. A friend told me today that the more I rest the more I can bring to everything I do. It’s sort of counter intuitive to the way I’ve driven myself all of these years = more drive = more work. But it’s losing it’s shine, that’s for sure. Rest feels good!

follow me @lauriewagner