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Interview with Maya Stein

by | Sep 1, 2021 | Interviews

Maya Stein is a writer I rely on to help me understand how to live in this world with sensitivity, artistry, and grace. Her observations on living, from a poet’s point of view, are always illuminating. Maya has taught me and so many writers to pay attention to the smallest things; the peach hanging from the tree, the trash dredged up from the lake, the conversation overheard at the filling station. Nothing is lost – everything is used – nothing is wasted, the instruction is everywhere.

Interview :: March 15, 2021

Maya is one of the directors of Toad Hall Editions, a publishing house in Maine. Her own books include, Grief Becomes Us: Navigating Loss Through Storytelling, and How We Are Not Alone. She also puts out a weekly poem called Ten-Line Tuesday which the whole world should sign up for.

Find out more about Maya here: https://mayastein.com


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